Sunday, April 4, 2010

"Sunday Best"

I often wonder "How did we get to the point in our history where brides don't know what is appropriate attire to wear in Church? Then I sit in Mass on Sundays and see all of the T-Shirts with inappropriate words and insignias, jeans, tennis shoes, and it doesn't take much to figure it out. (I have to remind myself that I live in one of the wealthiest counties in the USA.) I remember the term "Reverence" when attending the Mass, and remember hearing "Wear your Sunday best". I realize people just don't know what that is anymore, after all look at what people wear to work on casual Fridays, isn't it really grunge Friday? And then today, Easter Sunday, I walk into Mass and I have never seen so many little girls in cute dresses with ribbons in their hair, teenage boys with button down shirts and hair cuts, women in dresses and men in coat and ties. Wow! We do know what 'Sunday best' is! So why not every Sunday?