Sunday, September 26, 2010

Oops! Where is Jesus?

Yes, I know He is everywhere, however, I have noticed a trend lately in the newer round Catholic Churches: that Jesus in the Tabernacle is not raised, front and center in the Church. After attending Mass at several Catholic Churches while outside my Parish it became quite apparent that this new trend of putting the Tabernacle off to the side, hard to see by the congregation is becoming acceptable practice by Roman Catholics and it’s leaders. Is anyone from the Church approving these plans before construction begins? Is this just an Oops? Hard to believe it was intentional! Isn’t it Jesus’ presence in the Tabernacle the reason we genuflect, bow, cross ourselves, don’t talk while in the Church, aren’t we giving reverence to His presence? I noticed how confused the Catholics at these Masses were, didn’t know where to bow, pray, everyone just walked passed the Tabernacle without any regard or respect, very casual and laid back though! What a shame!

It doesn’t seem appropriate to sit in Church and have to search for the Tabernacle; this isn’t ‘Where’s Waldo?’ Why don’t we hire architects who will physically put Jesus back at the center of the Catholic Church, instead of spending time on how to design a cool, laid back, fun modern structure. Perhaps a great architect will be moved by God to design a plan to help these Churches redesign and rebuild what appears to be a serious flaw in the trend to putting Jesus aside. For God’s sake  let’s not build any more; we need to fix the Oops, quickly!

Let’s put Jesus back in our lives up high, front and center! 

Modern Catholic Church Architecture can still put Jesus up high, front and center!
St. Joseph's Catholic Church
Shawnee, Kansas

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